Willa Hilditch Willa Hilditch

Knot rings

I have made a few knotted rings recently. They have been very satisfying to create and I also enjoyed manipulating the softer wax and embedding stones into it.

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Willa Hilditch Willa Hilditch



Some of you might have noticed that rather a few drawings of ants have crept onto my rings recently… I spent an afternoon this summer spreading grass seeds in my mum’s garden only to find a couple of hours later that they had arranged themselves back into a neat pile. On closer inspection we noticed that thousands of manic ants were hurriedly carrying them from all over the mud bank and creating stockpiles. I found this hysterical and my mother was furious [and started stamping on them :,(]. After this episode I decided to introduce them into my engraved pieces for a while - I like ants.

Ant collecting seeds


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Willa Hilditch Willa Hilditch


I made my first few pieces that include irregularly shaped pearls. I have set the pearls with a chunky claw setting after casting and experimented with three different shapes of ring.

Ants collecting seeds 

A dream of wasps and mountains

A bug and cow parsley

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Willa Hilditch Willa Hilditch

Wondering People HOME 01

My brass cast cardboard candlestick holders have been included in HOME 01, the first of the Wondering People home collections.

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Willa Hilditch Willa Hilditch


CARDBOARD is a new and ongoing series of one of a kind pieces made in homage to cardboard. Cardboard’s structure makes it sturdy but also fragile if bent in the wrong direction. As a box, it can be used to protect an object but it can also be used in play and manipulated into shapes and drawn onto.

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Willa Hilditch Willa Hilditch

Ghost dog returns


After the first ghost dog necklaces that were made in collaboration with Paule Josephe sold out so quickly, we have decided make them available one last time on pre-order.

Ghost dog will be available to pre-order for one week, from today until Tuesday 9 July, via the PJ website.
These necklaces will be cast and ready to ship by mid August.


For this collaboration, Hannah from PJ sent me a number of her drawings to create the pendant from. After a bit of experimentation we landed on the character ghost dog which I then created in wax and cast in silver. Once cast, I painted a patina onto each pendant to highlight the eyes and spiral which were prominent in the original drawings.

We love them and we hope you do too :)

Check out the rest of the Paule Josephe collection here.

Thank you <3

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